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Build a Successful Affiliate Marketing Website for Free and Earn up to $25,000 in Affiliate Income!

Build a Successful Affiliate Marketing Website for Free and Earn up to $25,000 in Affiliate Income!

If you’re looking to make a fully functional, professional affiliate marketing website so you can start making money today and up to fifty thousand dollars in affiliate income by the end of the year at absolutely no cost to you, then you’ve come to the right place. [Music] [Music] no no no no [Music] no no [Music] Hi, I’m Bethany and I love to write. Right now, I’m at Capo San Souci in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, one of my favorite travel spots. I recently got the idea to make an affiliate website so I could share my writings with others and offer my readers practical advice.

I wanted my website to be mobile-friendly, easy to navigate, and simple to update. I also needed a shopping cart and a blog. It turned out so well that my husband and I decided to make a tutorial to show others how to use WordPress.I hope you enjoy making your website as much as I had fun making mine. Thanks, Bethany.


Unlocking Financial Freedom: Learn How to Make Passive Income through Affiliate Marketing

Let’s go ahead and jump in with both feet so you can start making money online as soon as possible. Now, my intention with this video is to teach you how to make passive income online, and the way we’re going to do that is by using affiliate marketing. Let me start by explaining why I got involved in affiliate marketing. It might not be the same reason you are.

For you, you might have decided you wanted to get involved in affiliate marketing because you wanted to make some extra money on the side. For me, my goal was quite different, and I think that you might want to consider my goal as well as an in-game solution. So, if you go back about five years, me and Bethany got into a conversation about Financial Freedom and how to score Financial Independence so that you don’t have to worry about money for the rest of your life. So, I ended up doing a bunch of research on that, and every time the answer was always passive income.

Discover the Path to Financial Freedom: Learn From Our Success and Unlock Your Potential

So, I decided that we needed to get involved in passive income if we wanted to have a chance at Financial Freedom anytime soon.

So, most people go an entire lifetime working really hard, and if they’re lucky, they have enough money in the end to live a nice comfortable life. For us, we wanted to find Financial Freedom sooner in life so that we would have an opportunity to enjoy more of life. So, let’s fast forward five years. Bethany and I are very close to reaching our Financial Freedom goals, and I wanted to pay it forward and give everybody else the opportunity to learn from what we have done so that you can apply these things to your world and potentially reach Financial Freedom as well. Originally, I wasn’t going to make an affiliate marketing video first.

In fact, I was going to make a video specifically about Financial Freedom. So, if you go to web yoda. com/freedom, this page will come up. Now, what this page is, is it’s the script for an entire video that I planned on making.


Understanding Financial Freedom and Affiliate Marketing for Passive Income

But you’re saying to yourself, “But Yoda, this video is not about Financial Freedom, it’s about using affiliate marketing to make passive income.

So why are we talking about Financial Freedom?” I will tell you now, Financial Freedom is not about being a millionaire. Financial Freedom is about having enough money coming in on a regular basis to cover your bills indefinitely. Now, the question now is, why didn’t I make this video first? But as I got deep into the content, I realized that the first thing you’re going to need to do was to make an affiliate marketing website so you could start making money online.

Because otherwise, you’re not going to reach Financial Freedom. So, it turned out to make more sense to first make a video on generating passive income using affiliate marketing, and then I can worry about making this Financial Freedom video. So anyway, I wanted to mention the Financial Freedom document so you had access to it because I really didn’t want you to sell yourself short.


Unlocking Financial Freedom: Exploring the Earning Potential of Passive Income and Affiliate Marketing

So, you might have come into this just looking to make some extra money on the side, but now you can set a secondary goal of potentially reaching Financial Freedom. So, the next question you might have is, how much money can you expect to earn via passive income and affiliate marketing?

I’m going to use this document as a guide, and just so you know, when we started out, we didn’t expect to be doing as well as we’re doing. And one of the first things I wanted to point out is that this is something that you can do. It’s definitely not a get-rich-quick scheme, but it certainly is doable by anyone if you follow the same steps that we did. I basically spent $31 to buy hosting, just like you’ll have an opportunity to do. In our first year, we made $32,000 for the whole year.

And as you can see here, we’re going to get nearly $21,000 this month alone from this affiliate partner, and they owe us about three times that much. We’re making about $600-$700 a day as well.


Understanding Passive Income: The Delayed Rewards of Affiliate Marketing

Just so you know, the reason why the total pending is about three times what they’re about to pay is that there’s usually a two to three-month delay from getting paid from the affiliate marketing programs. And the reason this is is they usually have a money-back guarantee period. And if somebody asks for a refund, they don’t want to have already paid you if the person never actually kept the product.

So they had to wait for the refund period to expire, then once it has, then your payments get unlocked and they send you a payment. So, what is passive income? Well, let’s first start with understanding the difference between earners and entrepreneurs. An earner is any person that has a regular job where your work effort and time are what allows you to get paid. They decide how much they’re going to pay you, do the work, they pay you.

An entrepreneur, on the other hand, finds a way to make money off other people’s time and effort.


Exploring Passive Income Opportunities: From Real Estate to Affiliate Marketing

A really good example of an entrepreneur is people who have money already. They might purchase a property and then they rent that property out. Well, now they own the property and the person gives them money every month. So, the person that’s renting went to their job and at the end of the month, they took some of the money they made and they give it to the owner of the house.

That, in itself, is an example of passive income. Now, for us, we’re not going to be buying houses just yet. However, let’s go ahead and discuss what the short answer for passive income is. Basically, passive income is money that you earn in a way that doesn’t require you to be actively working all the time. Let me give you an example.

I’m an affiliate with Amazon. Let’s say I go onto my Facebook and I put a post about my favorite whey protein, and then I put a link to that product in the post. Now, I submit the post and then I go out for dinner and then I go to sleep.


Unlocking Passive Income Potential: Exploring the Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

And then I woke up in the morning and all of a sudden, I made money. How?

Because people read my post, they took my advice, they clicked on a link, and they purchased the protein. And then Amazon gave me a piece of it. But that’s typically the kind of passive income we’re going to be looking at. But if you collect up enough of that passive income, then you can do things like buy houses. So now that we know a little bit about passive income, let’s go ahead and take a closer look at affiliate marketing and see why that’s the right choice for us.

The concept of affiliate marketing is simple. You promote somebody else’s products and services, and in turn, they pay a commission for any sales you produce. But the advantages of affiliate marketing are what make it the best passive income solution. Number one, you don’t need to create or own any products. Number two, that means you don’t have any inventory costs.

Number three, there’s no risk of losing money getting started.


The Advantages of Passive Income and Affiliate Marketing

Number four, this is a real passive income stream, meaning you literally can make money while you sleep. Number five, you have the potential for exponential growth. So unlike an earner that is capped by what their employer is going to pay them, you can add as many revenue streams as you want through affiliate marketing, which means your potential to make money is unlimited. Number six, if you choose to, you can stay anonymous.

So for example, when I got started, the first thing I did was make a how-to-make-a-WordPress-website video. I’m not in the video at all. It doesn’t show a picture of me at all. It’s just me talking in a bunch of screenshots. Number seven, you have the luxury of remote work, meaning your location independent and time of day independent.

So basically, if you have a laptop and access to the internet, no matter where you’re at, you have the ability to make more revenue streams. And number eight, you’re not the help desk.


Maximizing Sales and Revenue: The Power of Affiliate Marketing and Building a Website

So for example, if you sell an item on Amazon and somebody’s not happy with their purchase, they don’t contact you, they contact Amazon. As a pro tip, you don’t have to be at the help desk. When you have a potential customer ask you a question, go ahead and answer those questions to the best of your ability because this can double or triple your sales in the long run.

So now that you know why we want to do affiliate marketing, now we need to know how to do affiliate marketing. And to do that affiliate marketing, we’re first going to have to build a website. Once we’ve completed our website, then I’m going to show you nine different affiliate methods for making money with your website. And it turns out many of these methods can be combined to have multiple revenue streams on your website. So we’re just about ready to get started on our affiliate marketing website, but there’s one more decision we need to make before we actually start working on our website.


Discover Your Profitable Niche and Start Earning Online with a Reviews Website

So I want to go up to the section on selling online, and you might want to read through this section to get some better ideas. But in general, what we need to do is decide what area we want to focus on, and what area do you want to make money in. These are the top 48 niches people use to generate money online. Your goal is to decide which of these areas you’re good at, which of these areas interest you, and which of these areas you want to start with first. Obviously, you have to pick a direction you want to go in on the types of things that are of interest to you.

A very common one is to make a reviews website, and you can review things that are relative to the stuff you’re interested in. Bethany, for example, made a travel website, and that travel website was called your ultimate vacation. com. It contains information on some of the best travel destinations in the world, and if anybody decides to book travel through her website, she makes a nice commission.


Get Your Website Started: Choosing the Perfect Domain Name

Once you decide on the categories best for you, you’re ready to start your website.

Now, the first step in creating a website is you need a domain name. Well, the domain name is your website name. Now, in Bethany’s case, she picked your ultimate vacation. com when she wanted to do a vacation website. When I wanted to do technology stuff, I picked Web Yoda.

com. So, you need to decide on a domain name that best represents what you plan to accomplish on your website. It could be your name, it could be a brand, it could be Yoda reviews. com if I planned on doing product reviews. Basically, the domain name can be anything you want.

So, maybe you already have a domain name picked out, and if you do, that’s awesome. You’re ready to proceed.

How To Make An Affiliate Marketing Website ~ 2023 ~ Make $21,000 A Month Passive Income



Unlock the Secrets to Building Your Website for Free with Expert Guidance!

But if you don’t have a domain name chosen yet, and you’re kind of confused about how to proceed, just leave a comment below the video that says, “Hey Yoda, can you help me with my domain name?” And tell me a little bit about what you’re looking to do, and I can give you some advice on the domain name options you might want to consider. So, you can proceed.

Once you’ve decided on a domain name, you’re officially ready to start your website, and that’s some really good news right there. So, without further ado, let’s go ahead and start building our website. Oh yeah, and since it comes up a lot in viewer comments, I promise to do my best to talk slower to make things easier to follow, starting right now. In this WordPress tutorial, you’ll learn how to build a website that has an amazing intro video, professional logo, eye-catching graphics, and all the bells and whistles, all produced at absolutely no cost to you.


Create a Fully Responsive Website with Minimal Costs and Requirements

This video uses all the current web design and web development techniques to build a fully responsive website that automatically adjusts to meet the screen needs of any computer, laptop, tablet, phone, or any other handheld device.

To get started, the only hard cost we have is web hosting, and that’s where your website lives. That’s going to run us $3 to $10 a month. With your web hosting, you’ll get a free domain, a value of $15, as well as an SSL key, which makes your web pages secure, and that has a value of about $99. As for software requirements, there are none. Everything we’re going to need, we’re going to do online.

As for system requirements, this website tutorial is compatible with both Windows and iOS systems. All you need is your favorite browser and access to the internet, and you’re ready to go.I recommend Chrome and Firefox’s browsers of choice, as I’ve had some students in the past that had complaints about compatibility issues with Safari, Opera, and Internet Explorer.


Webmaster Instructor Offers Assistance and Tips for Improving Search Engine Placement in New Website Building Course

Now, they’re in this course. If you run into any trouble, just leave a comment below the video, and I’ll be more than happy to assist you.

And don’t be shy about asking for help. I’ve been a webmaster instructor, aka the web Yoda, for over 20 years, and I’d love to hear from my students. But if you could please pay it forward, if you could like the video, subscribe to the video, share the video, and tell your friends about the video, those are the kind of things that help get the word out there so other students like you can find this video. There was something else. Oh, at the end of this video, I’m going to discuss the four biggest mistakes people make that drastically hurt your search engine placement.

Turns out, the solutions for these four things are really easy, and they’re free. So, I think we’re ready to get started. So, without further delay, let’s go ahead and look at the website we’re going to build today. Today, we’re going to build Bethany’s new website, which is self-tastic. com.


Learn How to Create Professional Website Intros and Animations

We’ll learn how to do an intro as you see right here, and we’ll learn how to add it to our website. Now, notice how this text flies into place at just the right moment. Once the homepage is revealed, you’re going to be able to learn how to do that effect as well as all the other effects that are shown in this website. Now, definitely don’t get intimidated. I know this is going to look really fancy, it’s going to look very professional, but you’re going to be able to do all this.

Trust me, it’s not going to be a problem at all. Now, you’re not just a passive participant sitting in the audience watching a magic show as I put the show on. You’re actually going to learn the behind-the-scenes, how to do all this. It’s very simple, it’s very easy, and you’re going to be surprised how quickly you can build this entire website. If you don’t have a logo, we’ll learn how to make a logo.

Scroll down, and notice how these items are animated. We’ll learn how to do that.


Learn to Create Stunning Website Animations and Functional Sections

We’ll learn how to make these category sections. In many cases, those are services. For example, scroll down.

We’ll learn how to do that animation. But we’ll also learn how to remove the background from that animation so that it just has the girl coming in. We’ll learn how to do these call-to-action areas, and notice how they also animated in from the right and the left. And then we’ll learn how to make the buttons grow when we hover over them. Scroll down.

We’ll learn to make an image carousel. In this case, it’s just images of words of wisdom, but they could be any images you want. Then we’ll learn how to do another animation similar to the one we did above. And then if you need an email newsletter, we’ll be able to integrate that into your website. And then we’ll learn how to make this footer at the bottom.

It looks exactly the same on all pages. Under About, we’ll learn how to make this fancy header.


Learn to Integrate Text, Import Sections, and Create a Fancy Gallery with a Functional Blog

And then we’ll learn how to integrate text so that it can wrap around a picture like it does here. And then we’ll learn how to import the words of wisdom section so we don’t have to create that again. We will not be adding a shopping cart as part of this course, but once we have completed our website, I will provide a link to the video shown here in case you want to add the shopping cart later.

We’ll learn how to make this super fancy gallery. Notice as we scroll down how neat those are when they slide in together. And this is also a lightbox, so any of these we click on, it’ll bring it up and we can scroll to the left or the right. You close that out. And then we’ll learn how to make a fully functional blog with a unique header.

And then the individual blog items like this. And when you click on one of those, we’ll learn how to format the blog post to have all these extra features nicely formatted like that.


Learn how to build a professional website with a clean design, interactive features, and monetization options.

And then we’ll learn how to make this contact us page where we have a really nice clean form like this. And then near the bottom, we’ll have a map, and the map can zoom in and out and change it to whatever you need it to be.

And once our website’s complete, I’ll show you nine different ways you can monetize this website as well as other websites so that you can start making money as soon as possible. Now, you should be able to learn everything you need to know in about two hours’ time. I know on the surface, it could look intimidating, super complicated, but trust me, you can do all this. I’ve got step-by-step all the way through, showing you exactly what to do. And if you run into any troubles, just leave them below the video.

I’d be more than happy to help you out. So we’re ready to start on our website, but before we can build a website, we have to have a place for our website to live. And that’s what web hosting does for you.


Unveiling the Best Web Hosting Provider: Navigating Through Fake Reviews

Otherwise, you’d build a website on your local computer, but only you’d be able to see it. You want to be able to have the world see it.

So you have to get hosting so everybody else can see your results. Thank you. Finding great web hosting solutions in the matrix of hundreds of choices can be frustrating at best. You have to understand that nearly all web hosting review sites make sure that the web hosting company they are affiliated with always gets the best review. So basically, that web hosting company is number one to them because they get paid if you decide to use that company.

I have been hosting websites for over 30 years, with the first five years being me supplying my own hosting.I have used at least 10 of the hosting companies shown here, either personally or for my clients. Obviously, not all web hosting companies are created equal, and there are only a few that stand out from the rest. But how do you reveal the best web hosting provider with all the fake reviews out there?


HostGator: The Ultimate Web Hosting Solution with Unbiased Reviews and Optimal Performance

As puzzling as this might sound, I was able to find my answer while not allowing my own bias to interfere.

For me, I like to turn problems inside out. In this case, I was looking for the web hosting review that reveals a web hosting company that sucks the least. So first, the quick answer. The question of who is the best web hosting company for me is simple. Hands down, it’s HostGator.

HostGator is definitely the best web hosting solution for me, my clients, and for web Yoda. But the obvious next question is, why is HostGator the best choice? Well, web Yoda did some research to try to find some authentic web hosting reviews, and they settledSee how that made it the correct size? There, now if I click that icon, now it’s in tablet mode. And in tablet mode, I want it to be that size.

Also, I can move this to the left, and this to the right. If we click that icon again, it shows us phone mode.I want to go ahead and make that 180.


Setting Up Favicon and Site Icon for WordPress Website

We want to make sure both of these settings are turned off, which they are by default. And now we want to upload what’s called the favicon icon.

That’s a little icon, like right here where you see the web Yoda one on Bethany’s, you see the self-tactic one. And on these two tabs, it shows the WordPress default. So we’ll choose the select site icon. You want these images to be a minimum of 512 by 512. We’ll go back to our library and here’s our logo for the favicon.

I use the Ping format for most files. It’s a very versatile format, so I’ll drag that over. I’ll hit select, choose crop image, and now you see it showed up down here. And when we refresh this page, it’ll also show up. So we’ll hit publish.

Then we’re not seeing it here just yet, but if we come over here and we hit reload, I held down shift and control when I did that to make sure I got a better reload. And now it shows the new icon. The logo is to the left, the menu is to the right. We’re making progress.


Enhancing Brand Identity: Customizing Logo Placement for a Seamless Shopping Experience

Now notice this doesn’t have our logo yet, and that’s because this is a transparent menu bar.

So we’re going to go ahead and go back and change the logo in a couple of other places. The logos we’ve done so far will make sure the logo shows up correctly in your shopping cart, in case you’re putting a shopping cart on your website. So if I scroll to the top, we can hit customize the transparent header. And now we scroll down, and we’re going to change these two images so that logo is right there. Choose the image again or change the image, use that one, and hit the choose image button.

We scroll down, now we’re looking at the phone version still. If I click that, it displays the computer format again.I want to make that 230 for the computer as before, and then for the tablet, I’ll make it 200. And for the mobile, again 180. We’ll choose to publish, go back to our new website, hit reload, and now we have a nice logo here.


Create a Professional Logo and Customize Your Font with Ease

But you’re saying to yourself, “But you don’t have a logo, what do I do?” I will tell you, if you’re looking to make a professional logo for your website online at no cost to you in about five minutes time, then you’ll want to check out my Make a free logo video at some point. The next thing we want to do is to be able to change this font. This font may be fine for you and you don’t need to change it, but I want a different font for our menu. So we’ll go back into our WordPress admin, I’ll choose X, and just for consistency, I’m going to show you how to get to these things each time from the top menu.

So we’re going to go back to appearance, customize, header builder, choose the primary menu button, choose the design button, scroll down, and here’s the menu font option. They really hide this stuff, don’t they? So I’ll click on the pencil, and I want the family to be Open Sans Condensed. I’m going to choose 24. I’ll choose to publish, come back over here, reload, and I like that a lot better.


Setting Base Colors for Your Website: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now I want to look at how to set base colors for your entire website. So we’re going to close that out again for consistency. We’ll start at the dashboard, we’ll go to appearance, customize, and global colors, and now here are your colors for your website. The only one I’m going to set right now, just so you see how it works, so I’m going to choose this, and I want to scroll, and I’m going to put my background color in there. And you’re like, “Well, where did I get that color from?

” I came over to our script, I’ll scroll to the top, and these are all the colors that we had predefined. Me and Bethany sat down and figured out the colors we wanted. You’ll want to go in and decide the colors you want, and then when you save them in a file, you can always get back to the ones you need for the different things you need to use them for. So in my case, the background color was this light blue, and that’s where that number came from right there.


Setting up default colors and page names in WordPress for your website

We came back over here, I can hit publish, and you could set all your default colors for your website here.

What’s there is going to work fine for what we’re trying to do right now. And one of the last steps that we want to do that have to do with kind of the setup of things is when you come to the website and let’s say we clicked on testimonials, notice how it says the word testimonials here. Now the page name you assigned to a web page is called the slug name. So in this case, the slug name for the testimonials page is testimonials. To make WordPress use the slug name as the page name requires a specific setting in WordPress, and let me show you what I mean.

If I come back in here and you go to settings, and then you go to permalinks, this defines the different ways that your URLs for the pages can show up. By choosing the post name as the permalink setting, you are telling WordPress to use the slug name as the page name at the end of your URL.


Learn How to Optimize Permalinks and Customize Your Website with Elementor Page Builder

And so if you’re following along and you built your website with a different theme or something like that, yours may not have the permalink set the same way. We want to set them. Typically, the post name is liked better by search engines, so we like to use that.

Now scroll down, hit save changes, and now if we go back to the website we’re working on and we click the home button, we’re going to start making this page look like this page. So let’s go back to our WordPress admin, and we’re going to choose pages, and that brings up the pages that are in our website, and then down where the home page is, now to the right when you’re hovering over it, you can choose edit with Elementor, and that loads our home page up into the Elementor editor. Now the Elementor page builder is the most popular page builder on the planet, and you’re going to find out real quickly why that is. It’s just really easy to use, super user-friendly, it’s fast, reliable, and all those fun things.


Understanding the Structure of Our Page: A Brief Overview

Now before we get started making changes to our page, I wanted to give you a little bit of background on how this works.

At the very top, you see these icons, and this is the section edit icon. This allows you to control the section, which in this case is this whole area here. Whereas this section is that section there, and that’s a different type of a section. We’ll talk about that. Notice how it’s got a little border on here.

If you click on that, that’s called an intersection. See right there? If we keep going down and we click on here, that’s a section in itself. So each one of these, it’s basically a row is what a section is. Now inside of a row can be columns.

This little icon here defines the column. So as we scroll down, this particular one here has more than one column in it. Notice there and there. And this one here has a column here, a column here, and a column here. So you see that’s the section.

If we click on that, it shows a section. In this case, it’s called an intersection.


Explanation of Sections, Columns, and Widgets in the Editing Process

I’ll tell you how that’s different. We’ll use that later, but it’s still a section. And inside a section, there are columns.

So a section is a row, and then the columns inside of it, there’s a column marker. So you edit the column by clicking on those. And then inside of a column, this is a cell. You can put different widgets. So that’s a widget.

And see the little icon? That’s how you edit the widgets. So when you scroll down to any area, here’s a section that edits the section. And then here’s the column. If I click on that, now I’m editing the column.

And then inside of that, look, there are one, two, three different widgets. If I click on that, it’s editing that widget. If I click on that, it’s editing that widget. If I click on that, it edits that widget. Furthermore, within each section, within each column, and within each widget, are three different ways that you can edit.

So for example, where it says “Our Happy Clients,” if I select that on the left, I can change the content. So here’s the content.


Exploring Content Customization and Styling Options for Website Design

I can change the style of that content. And then I have advanced settings for that content. And that’s true for anything.

So when we come to the top and we click on this content up here, that is the section at the top. Here’s the layout. In this case, the style for that section and the advanced settings for that section. And if I go to the column, here’s the layout for that column. Here’s the style for that column.

And here’s the advance for that column. And then inside of this, if I click on a widget, there’s the content for the widget, the style for the widget, and the advanced for the widget. So that’s enough to get us started. And the first thing I want to do is change the background from being this cute girl to being the one that’s going to be on our website. So we’ll choose the section at the top, and then we’re going to choose style.

And then we’ll click on the picture. And now we need to upload a picture. And we want to go to our inspirational pictures.


Creating Inspiring and Customizable Website Content with Ease

So here’s our content, and scroll until we get there. They are inspirational pictures, and there’s the background I want.

Drag that over, and hit insert. Now we want this to be the center of the position. It already is, but check that to make sure. Instead of a size cover, let’s change it to contained. And now in this intersection, there are two columns, a left, and a right.

If you grab the edge in between, you can slide it left and right and make it change its size and get it roughly to 40 on the left and 50 or 60 on the right. You can also choose the column and then specifically put it to 40. That’s a little easier. And the other one, by default, will be the difference. Now let’s add the girl.

We’ll go up here to where we can pick from our widgets. We’ll drag over an image. And then we’ll add our image. So we’ll go back to our content folder. And there’s the transparent girl that we created.

Drag that over. We hit insert. Now her image has been added. So from here, we’re going to choose advanced.


Improving Design and Animation with Elementor for a Stunning Website

And I want to put some padding at the top.

So let’s say 200. That moves her down a little bit. And then we’re going to go into the motion effects. Default, let’s fader in from the left. And let’s give it a thousand milliseconds or a one-second delay for bringing her in like that.

And let’s let it come in a little more slowly just because we can. Ta-da! There we go. Now I can just hit update. Just out of curiosity, it’s nice to see our work sometimes.

Come over here, we’ll hit reload. And there she is. We’re making progress. Back to Elementor. We’re going to choose our section tab right here to edit the section itself.

And then we’re going to go to style. And see that background’s white? We’re going to change it to one of the darker cyan-looking colors. And now we’re going to go to advance and change this from 0 to 35 and change that 100 to 0. In Bethany’s, you see this little wave brush thing going on right here?

We want to add that. So let’s go ahead. It turns out to be at the bottom of the section above.


Adding Waves Brush Shape Divider and Adjusting Height in Website Design.

So we got to scroll up, choose that section, then go to style.

And then we’re looking for a shape divider. We’re going to add the shape divider at the bottom. And the type of shape divider we’re going to use is a waves brush. So we scroll down and you see that’s what it looks like. And there are lots of different ones you can choose from.

It’s worth checking them all out to try different stuff. In this case, we’re going to use the waves brush. And then we’re going to set the color to that same blue that’s in the section down here. See how it matches? Now we’re going to set the height to 60.

There’s a lot of extra space right here, so I want to come back up here. We still have that selected. We’ll go to advanced. And we’re going to change that from 200 to 100. So that brings it in some.

And this itself will adjust itself out a little bit to bring that down in a second to make it look more correct. Now over here, this particular header, this widget, we’re going to drag it below the other one like that.


Efficiently Streamlining Design Elements and Maximizing Resources

And then this one, we’re not going to need, so let’s delete that one. And then this button, obviously we can make a button, but I want to show you how you can recycle stuff. So I’m going to take this button and I’m going to bring it down here.

And I’m going to put it right there because we can just use it there and make it work for us. And it saves us the trouble of making one. Come back up. Now let’s work on this first header here, the bigger one. And let’s make that say “Be Inspired.

” And we’ll go to style. We’ll set the color to white. And we’ll close the color out. We’ll go into typography. I’m going to choose a font of Montserrat.

We’ll make it 80. And make the thickness 700. Now the margin for our header, we go up here. We’ll click on the margin. And we disconnected those.

Right, there are going to be 29. And basically, that just allows that to sit a little bit lower. And so for this text, if we choose that widget, we’ll change the text to “Live Your Best Life.” Good advice. Click on style.


Creating a Complete and Functional Contact Page with Elementor and WP Forms

The color is white. Close that. Go into typography. Font, Laura. We’ll make this one 40.

And we’ll make the weight 500. And now we have the black waves brush above the footer. We can go ahead and hit update, go back to our page, and hit reload. And there we have it, our contact page is complete. We can now exit Elementor and go back to our dashboard.

That looks good. We’ll hit update, come back over to our page, click on “Contact,” and look there. We already have a “Contact Us” page. It was that fast, isn’t that nice? But now we need to get the forms to point to you.

In this case, they’re going to point to Bethany, but you get the idea. So let’s go back to Elementor. Now, we’re going to exit Elementor to the dashboard. Now, we want to edit our forms as well as set the forms to point to the email we want them to go to. To do that, we’re going to go into WP Forms, and then I’m going to choose the contact form.

That’s the one we’re going to edit, so I click on that. Now, this works very similarly to Elementor.


Create Custom Forms Easily with Free Features and Pro Upgrades

That’s why it’s such a great product, and everything we’re going to do with this basically is free. So, suppose you wanted to add a subject line. On the left-hand side, grab the single-line text widget, and drop it in just like that.

Now, if we choose field options and we select that field, now we can edit that field and we can make it say “subject.” Now, suppose you want to go all the way across. Under advanced, set field size to large, and now it’s all the way across. So now, let’s say you wanted to have a phone field. Come back over to add fields, and you look and you’re like, “Uh oh, there’s no phone field.

” Oh wait, here it is, and you click on the phone field. Upgrade to Pro, that’s quite convenient. Everybody’s going to want a phone number, yet we’re going to have to pay for it. But you’re saying to yourself, “Hey Yoda, there’s got to be a way around this. Don’t you have a trick for this?

” Absolutely, I will show you. So, we’ll close out that window.


Creating a Phone Field and Setting Email Notifications in a Form

Now, instead of picking the phone field, let’s go back up, pick the single line field, we’ll drag it in, let’s say we want to set it there, and then we’ll go back to field options. We choose that field, set the label to “phone,” and now we have a phone field. Now, let’s say you want that field to be required.

You notice the ones with an asterisk next to them, those are the ones that are required. So, for the phone field, if we turn this on right here, now it’s required, it has the asterisk next to it. Now, we’ll go into the advanced, and we’ll set the width to large. Now, we have a phone field, but what’s the difference? Well, the main difference is when somebody enters a phone number in ours, it’s not validated to make sure it really is a phone number.

Now, we want to set where the email is going to go to. So, on the left-hand side, if you go to settings, and then you go to notifications, right here, send email address, that is the email that it’s going to send to.


Customizing Email Notifications and Settings in WP Forms

By default, it’s going to be the one that’s in your admin, and that might be fine. But in our case, the admin was mine, but we want these to go to Bethany. So, we’ll put that in there, and we can set the subject line for the emails.

So, let’s change that. We’ll change it to say “self-tastic comments.” And then, who do we want the form name to be? We’ll say “from.” There, we can leave the rest alone.

Let’s go ahead and click save. Now, I’ll close that, and we’ll go ahead and make the change we need for the sign-up page as well. So, we’ll click on “sign-up.” We just want to go into settings, notifications. This will also go to Bethany.

Or, the subject line, “Join Club Self-tactic.” Set us from the name. Everything else can stay the same. Hit save. Obviously, we didn’t do a lot in WP Forms, only the stuff we really needed.

But if you’re interested in learning more, make sure you watch my video.


Discover the Power of WP Forms: Boost Your Website’s Functionality with Ease

If you’re looking to learn more about what WP Forms can do for your website, then you’ll want to check out my WP Forms for Beginners video at some point. So, hit close. And now, we want to test this out to see that we get an email. So, back to our website, we’ll hit refresh just to make sure we’re looking at a fresh copy.

And notice, now it has the subject line. Now, this is going to go to Bethany. So, let’s send it from me. Subject line, test. Hello, world.

Hit send. And our message was sent successfully. Good job. Now, one of the things you might be interested in, is that you might have said to yourself, “Hey, what about some formatting here? What can we do?

” Well, again, without getting the pro version, they really don’t give us a lot of tools. But you’re like, “But Yoda, you always have a piece of code for us so we can do it without having to pay for it.


How to Customize Forms and Improve the Look of Your WordPress Website

I know you’re right, and okay, I will show you.” So, what you want to do is you want to go to your script and look under the form section for a section called “Format Your Forms.” Once again, you’ll highlight the yellow code like that, and copy it to your clipboard.

Now, let’s go back to our WordPress, and now from here, we’re going to go to “Appearance,” “Customize,” scroll down, and “Additional CSS.” Let’s click on “Contact” over here so we can actually see this working. And that’s what it looks like right now. Below this, let’s hit a couple of extra lines, paste that in, and look at that. It changed everything up just a little bit.

Again, I’m not going to try to teach you CSS, but you can look in here and see that some of these things can be changed and get a little bit more flexibility if you like. We’ll choose “Publish,” go back to our page. That’s what it looked like before. Hit reload. That’s what it looks like now.

Now, officially, our website’s complete.


Enabling Secure Pages with Really Simple SSL Plugin in WordPress

But there’s one more step that we don’t want to forget, and that is to turn on secure pages for our website. To do that, we’re going to go back to WordPress. We’ll exit to the dashboard. Now, we want to install the plugin that’s going to allow us to make our pages secure.

So, we’re going to go down to “Plugins,” “Add New Plugin,” “Upload Plugin,” “Choose File.” Make sure we’re looking at our downloads folder. And now, the one we’re looking for is “Really Simple SSL.” Hit “Open,” “Install Now,” “Activate Plugin.” Now, if for some reason you didn’t have this plugin already, you just need to go to the webinar.

com/plugins, scroll down to this project and then download the plugin you need. Now, once that’s installed, it immediately says, “Hey, go ahead and activate.” But I don’t want to do that just yet. What I’m going to do is we want to scroll down, find the plugin, and we’re going to go to settings. It tells us we’re not connected yet.


Activating SSL Certificate and Ensuring Secure Web Pages

We know that, but what we’re really looking for is this check mark. If found an SSL certificate detected for our website. If you don’t see that message, you need to contact your hosting company to ask them how to get your certificate activated. Because without a certificate, we can’t secure your web pages. Since we have a certificate, all I need to do is click on “Go ahead to activate.

” Now, it’s been activated. Once you’ve activated your SSL and you weren’t in secure mode, it’s likely to want you to log back in. So, for example, our next step is going to click on “Elementor.” And when I did that, it asked me to log back in. So, I’ll choose “Login.

” So, our next step was we clicked on “Elementor.” It brought up this page, and it has these options. We’re looking for the option called “Tools.” So, we click on “Tools.” And then, we’re going to click on “Replace URL.

” So, in this box, we’re going to put our original URL when we didn’t have secure pages. So, I’ll paste that in.


Completing Website Development and Exploring 10 Profitable Affiliate Income Strategies

And notice, it just has “HTTP.” Then, in the second box, I’m going to paste the same thing, but at the beginning, I’ll put an “S” right there. Basically, going from non-secure pages to secure pages.

And it’s going to look throughout the entire website and see any places that find this and replace it with this. We’ll hit “Replace.” 261 rows affected. That was a good thing. Now, if we go back to our page, notice it’s not secure.

We hit “Reload.” Now, it has a little lock there, and now we’re secure. So, our website is officially complete. Okay, okay. So, our website is pretty much complete.

But now, we need to cover 10 different ways.I know I originally said nine, but I’ve got a bonus way that I want to cover. 10 different ways of creating affiliate income. Most, if not all, of those, are possible through your website itself. And to do that, we’re going to go to a web page called webyoda.



Essential Collection of Easy-to-Use Affiliate Resources for Successful Online Income Generation

And here, I’ve put together an entire collection of all the affiliate resources that I use on a regular basis. So, as we look down, you’ll see it’s got all the different ones. And so, what it doesn’t include are all the ones over the past five years that I’ve found very difficult to work with. It’s only the ones that are really easy to work with and I’ve found the most success making money with them.

Now, before we jump in, I want to make one comment, and that is, now’s the time to sign up for each of these affiliate marketing programs that we’re going to discuss. It can take time to get approved, and you want to be able to get things approved as soon as possible so that you can get moving forward and make money as soon as possible. Important to note that all of the affiliates that we’ll be using are free to sign up for and free to use. So, if you find an affiliate program that’s trying to charge you to be a member of it, you need to steer clear.


Unlock Earning Potential with Rakuten: Become Your Own Affiliate and Earn Commission on Your Online Purchases

The first affiliate method we’re going to look at for making money online is called Rakuten.

Rakuten is a very unique affiliate in that basically, you become your own affiliate. So, let me explain. Say you go to Walmart. com, you find something you want, you purchase it, and they send it to you. Well, you purchase the item, and now you own it.

However, once you become a member at Rakuten, then when you go to Walmart. com to make a purchase, you automatically make a commission on your own purchase. Now, since Rakuten is associated with over 3,500 online stores, there’s a really good chance they’re associated with most of the places you’re already shopping online. So, for me, that’s added up to over $1,800 in just a few years. Now, I brought this up in an incognito window so that I could see the same thing you’re going to see.

So, I’m going to go ahead and click on “Affiliate Sign Up.” And the first thing you see is that you’re going to get a $30 bonus today.


Earn Cashback on Your Online Purchases with Rakuten

So, basically, all you have to do is sign up and then pick from the 3,500 different stores that they represent, spend $30, and you’ll get the $30 back. And as a bonus, I get $30 for you signing up. So, you see, this is a win-win.

And what’s nice is that then you can tell your friends, “Okay, hey, did you hear about Rakuten?” And they’re like, “No.” And you can go, “Well, this is great because you sign up, you get $30, and it just keeps propagating.” So, when I log into my account, you can see I’ve made $1,800. Basically, just buying things that I was going to buy anyway from these are some of the most popular ones that I’ve used, and I’m making a small amount at each one of these.

But all that adds up over time. It adds up to be real money. So now, if we back up, and so I have three other short links. One takes you to search their stores. So if we click on that, this shows you all the stores they represent.

Here are some quick categories.


Unlock Automatic Savings with Browser Cashback Plugin

You can scroll down through some of the popular ones, or you can type something in the box here. Let’s back up. The next is the browser cashback. And what this is, is how to get access to the browser plugin that allows you to automatically save money.

So let’s click that one. And from here, you can install the browser plugins for one or more browsers, depending on which ones you use. I use Chrome and I use Firefox. And that way, anytime you visit somebody that they represent, it’ll come up with a box allowing you to activate the cashback. So let me give you a quick example of how the browser plugin works.

Once you get it installed, let’s say I go to staples. com. Page comes up, boom, on the right-hand side, I can activate my 2% cashback. And then I do my shopping. And at the end of my shopping, when I place my order, I’ll automatically get my 2%.

That’s the benefit of having the plugin. Let’s go back to our browser.


Exploring Promising Strategies for Cashback and Affiliate Marketing

And the final one, which I haven’t done this one myself, but it looks pretty promising as well.I should try it. It’s called in-store cashback.

And I think this is a fairly recent thing because I just found out about it. Number two is to put an affiliate link inside of a blog post. So let’s do that next. So I’ll open a new tab and I’ll log into the self-tastic. com website to the back end.

And I’ll go to posts. And let’s choose the first one. And what I want to do is I want to make a link to this particular book that Bethany’s talking about. And this is the title for it. And what we’re going to do is we’re going to use our Amazon affiliate to do that.

So let’s go back over to our affiliates page. If we scroll down, we can get to the Amazons. And under the Amazon affiliate resources, the first button is to sign up and log in. So if you choose that one, it comes up with the signup method for joining the program. I want to sign in, so I’ll go ahead and choose sign in.


Utilizing Affiliate Resources: Tracking IDs for Efficient Traffic Monitoring

And now, if I go back, notice I have three additional links. Now, obviously, there’s a lot you can do with affiliate resources, but these are the ones I regularly use. That’s why I have these. I can add a tracking ID. Let’s click on that so you can see what that is.

This is what a tracking ID looks like. The dash 20 is your country. So in this case, I’m in the United States, so it’s 20. So whatever country in that might be different. And then you can make as many as you want.

Now, the tracking IDs allow you to know where your traffic comes from. And so for this particular example, this is a Bethany website. So I’ll click on hers. It brings it up here. I can highlight it, and copy the clipboard because I want to use her tracking tag for sales that have stuff to do with her website.

That way, I know where the sale came from.


Optimizing Affiliate Links for Maximum Credit and Conversion on Your Blog

So now that I have our tracking tag, I’m going to search for “how to start a blog today.” So let’s go back, and I’m going to choose “get product links.” “How to start a blog today.” And there’s the product she wants to promote.

We’ll choose that. Now, when you look at the URL, all of them will have some little code in here that starts with a “B.” And what I do is I go to the end of that, and I delete everything to the right. And then you put a question mark, and tag equals, and you paste in your tag. That’s the syntax or the correct method for telling the browser that you get credit for this link.

So what I did is I highlighted this, I’ll copy that whole link to a clipboard, and now I hit enter. It comes up with this book, and we’re going to add this to Bethany’s website. Now, immediately, you’re going, “But Yoda, this is a free book. What’s the point?


Maximizing Affiliate Revenue with Free Book Promotions on Amazon

Why is she going to do this?

” I will tell you, one of the things you don’t know about Amazon is that if somebody comes to their page, even though they’re getting a free book if they buy anything else while they’re here, no matter what it is, you get credit for that sale. Now, obviously, when you’re making your blog and you’re selling items, you’re doing reviews, you want to put items in there that actually cost something as well. But in this scenario, it’s a free book. But if they buy anything else, we also make money. So I copied the link.

Now, I want to go back and test my affiliate link. You paste that link in, and then you check the link. Notice it says that it’s a valid link. So I can come over to her page. I’ve already got that highlighted.

I’ll do it again. There’s the highlight. I can choose this to make it a link. Paste my link in there. Hit enter.

I can update it. Now, if I go back to her site, I’ll make a new tab to do that. And I go to her blog. And it was this one. And I scroll down.


Maximizing Affiliate Earnings: Adding Affiliate Links to WordPress Pages

That’s the text that we made a link to. And there’s our free book. And if somebody buys this and they buy anything else, we also get credit. Affiliate method number three is adding an affiliate link to a WordPress page. The website we just built was an Elementor site, but not everybody’s going to be using Elementor all the time.

So I want to show you how to add it to a WordPress page as well. So let’s open up a new tab, and we’re going to go into WebYoda’s admin. We’ll go to pages, and the one we’re going to work on is called WP Rocket. This is the page I want to edit. I’ll click on that page.

Now, what I want to do is I want to set the paid button to point to how I’m going to get paid for this particular product. Now, just for a frame of reference, let’s look at what this page looks like on the website. We’ll go into the WebYoda Foundation, and these guys are WP Rocket. And right now, this doesn’t go anywhere. I need to add a link that’s going to allow us to make money if somebody clicks on this link.


Affiliate Marketing Made Easy with WP Rocket and Share a Sale

So let’s come back here, and I can click on that. And so what we need is our URL that goes there. So let’s go back to our affiliates page and share a sale who I get the WP Rocket affiliate. So if you wanted to sign up, you go to that link. I want to log in, so I’ll go ahead and choose sign in.

And now, if I go back, notice I have three additional links. Now, obviously, there’s a lot you can do with affiliate resources, but these are the ones I regularly use. That’s why I have these. I can add a tracking ID. Let’s click on that so you can see what that is.

This is what a tracking ID looks like. The dash 20 is your country. So in this case, I’m in the United States, so it’s 20. So whatever country in that might be different. And then you can make as many as you want.

Now, the tracking IDs allow you to know where your traffic comes from. And so for this particular example, this is a Bethany website. So I’ll click on hers. It brings it up here.


Implementing Tracking Tags to Optimize Sales and Promotion on a Blog

I can highlight it, and copy the clipboard because I want to use her tracking tag for sales that have stuff to do with her website.

That way, I know where the sale came from. So now that I have our tracking tag, I’m going to search for “how to start a blog today.” So let’s go back, and I’m going to choose “get product links.” “How to start a blog today.” And there’s the product she wants to promote.

We’ll choose that. Now, when you look at the URL, all of them will have some little code in here that starts with a “B.” And what I do is I go to the end of that, and I delete everything to the right. And then you put a question mark, and the tag equals, and you paste it into your tag. That’s the syntax or the correct method for telling the browser that you get credit for this link.

So what I did is I highlighted this, I’ll copy that whole link to a clipboard, and now I hit enter. It comes up with this book, and we’re going to add this to Bethany’s website.


Maximizing Amazon Affiliate Sales through Free Book Promotions

Now, immediately, you’re going, “But Yoda, this is a free book. What’s the point? Why is she going to do this?

” I will tell you, one of the things you don’t know about Amazon is that if somebody comes to their page, even though they’re getting a free book if they buy anything else while they’re here, no matter what it is, you get credit for that sale. Now, obviously, when you’re making your blog and you’re selling items, you’re doing reviews, you want to put items in there that actually cost something as well. But in this scenario, it’s a free book. But if they buy anything else, we also make money. So I copied the link.

Now, I want to go back and test my affiliate link. You paste that link in, and then you check the link. Notice it says that it’s a valid link. So I can come over to her page. I’ve already got that highlighted.

I’ll do it again. There’s the highlight. I can choose this to make it a link. Paste my link in there. Hit enter.

I can update it.


Maximizing Affiliate Opportunities: Three Methods for Generating Sales and Earning Credit

Now, if I go back to her site, I’ll make a new tab to do that. And I go to her blog. And it was this one. And I scroll down.

That’s the text that we made a link to. And there’s our free book. And if somebody buys this and they buy anything else, we also get credit. Affiliate method number three is adding an affiliate link to a WordPress page. The website we just built was an Elementor site, but not everybody’s going to be using Elementor all the time.

So I want to show you how to add it to a WordPress page as well. So let’s open up a new tab, and we’re going to go into WebYoda’s admin. We’ll go to pages, and the one we’re going to work on is called WP Rocket. This is the page I want to edit. I’ll click on that page.

Now, what I want to do is I want to set the paid button to point to how I’m going to get paid for this particular product. Now, just for a frame of reference, let’s look at what this page looks like on the website. We’ll go into the WebYoda Foundation, and these guys are WP Rocket.


Maximizing Earnings through Affiliate Links and Tracking IDs

And right now, this doesn’t go anywhere. I need to add a link that’s going to allow us to make money if somebody clicks on this link.

So let’s come back here, and I can click on that. And so what we need is our URL that goes there. So let’s go back to our affiliates page, and ShareASale is who I get the WP Rocket affiliate from. So if you wanted to sign up, you go to that link. I want to log in, so I’ll go ahead and choose sign in.

And now, if I go back, notice I have three additional links. Now, obviously, there’s a lot you can do with affiliate resources, but these are the ones I regularly use. That’s why I have these. I can add a tracking ID. Let’s click on that so you can see what that is.

This is what a tracking ID looks like. The dash 20 is your country. So in this case, I’m in the United States, so it’s 20. So whatever country in that might be different. And then you can make as many as you want.

Now, the tracking IDs allow you to know where your traffic comes from.


Utilizing Tracking Tags to Determine the Source of Sales on Bethany’s Website

And so for this particular example, this is a Bethany website. So I’ll click on hers. It brings it up here. I can highlight it, and copy the clipboard because I want to use her tracking tag for sales that have stuff to do with her website.

That way, I know where the sale came from. So now that I have our tracking tag, I’m going to search for “how to start a blog today.” So let’s go back, and I’m going to choose “get product links.” “How to start a blog today.” And there’s the product she wants to promote.

We’ll choose that. Now, when you look at the URL, all of them will have some little code in here that starts with a “B.” And what I do is I go to the end of that, and I delete everything to the right. And then you put a question mark, and tag equals, and you paste it into your tag. That’s the syntax or the correct method for telling the browser that you get credit for this link.

So what I did is I highlighted this, I’ll copy that whole link to a clipboard, and now I hit enter.


Maximizing Profit Potential: Leveraging Free Books and Affiliate Links on Bethany’s Website

It comes up with this book, and we’re going to add this to Bethany’s website. Now, immediately, you’re going, “But Yoda, this is a free book. What’s the point? Why is she going to do this?

” I will tell you, one of the things you don’t know about Amazon is that if somebody comes to their page, even though they’re getting a free book if they buy anything else while they’re here, no matter what it is, you get credit for that sale. Now, obviously, when you’re making your blog and you’re selling items, you’re doing reviews, you want to put items in there that actually cost something as well. But in this scenario, it’s a free book. But if they buy anything else, we also make money. So I copied the link.

Now, I want to go back and test my affiliate link. You paste that link in, and then you check the link. Notice it says that it’s a valid link. So I can come over to her page. I’ve already got that highlighted.

I’ll do it again. There’s the highlight. I can choose this to make it a link. Paste my link in there.


Learn How to Monetize Your Website with Affiliate Links on WordPress Pages

Hit enter.

I can update it. Now, if I go back to her site, I’ll make a new tab to do that. And I go to her blog. And it was this one. And I scroll down.

That’s the text that we made a link to. And there’s our free book. And if somebody buys this and they buy anything else, we also get credit. Affiliate method number three is adding an affiliate link to a WordPress page. The website we just built was an Elementor site, but not everybody’s going to be using Elementor all the time.

So I want to show you how to add it to a WordPress page as well. So let’s open up a new tab, and we’re going to go into WebYoda’s admin. We’ll go to pages, and the one we’re going to work on is called WP Rocket. This is the page I want to edit. I’ll click on that page.

Now, what I want to do is I want to set the paid button to point to how I’m going to get paid for this particular product. Now, just for a frame of reference, let’s look at what this page looks like on the website.


Adding Affiliate Links to the WebYoda Foundation’s WP Rocket Page

We’ll go into the WebYoda Foundation, and these guys are WP Rocket. And right now, this doesn’t go anywhere. I need to add a link that’s going to allow us to make money if somebody clicks on this link.

So let’s come back here, and I can click on that. And so what we need is our URL that goes there. So let’s go back to our affiliates page, and ShareASale is who I get the WP Rocket affiliate from. So if you wanted to sign up, you go to that link. I want to log in, so I’ll go ahead and choose sign in.

And now, if I go back, notice I have three additional links. Now, obviously, there’s a lot you can do with affiliate resources, but these are the ones I regularly use. That’s why I have these. I can add a tracking ID. Let’s click on that so you can see what that is.

This is what a tracking ID looks like. The dash 20 is your country. So in this case, I’m in the United States, so it’s 20. So whatever country in that might be different. And then you can make as many as you want.


Utilizing Tracking Tags to Attribute Sales and Identify Traffic Sources on Bethany’s Website

Now, the tracking IDs allow you to know where your traffic comes from. And so for this particular example, this is a Bethany website. So I’ll click on hers. It brings it up here. I can highlight it, and copy the clipboard because I want to use her tracking tag for sales that have stuff to do with her website.

That way, I know where the sale came from. So now that I have our tracking tag, I’m going to search for “how to start a blog today.” So let’s go back, and I’m going to choose “get product links.” “How to start a blog today.” And there’s the product she wants to promote.

We’ll choose that. Now, when you look at the URL, all of them will have some little code in here that starts with a “B.” And what I do is I go to the end of that, and I delete everything to the right. And then you put a question mark, and tag equals, and you paste in your tag. That’s the syntax or the correct method for telling the browser that you get credit for this link.


Using Amazon’s Affiliate Program to Monetize Free Books on Bethany’s Website

So what I did is I highlighted this, I’ll copy that whole link to a clipboard, and now I hit enter. It comes up with this book, and we’re going to add this to Bethany’s website. Now, immediately, you’re going, “But Yoda, this is a free book. What’s the point? Why is she going to do this?

” I will tell you, one of the things you don’t know about Amazon is that if somebody comes to their page, even though they’re getting a free book if they buy anything else while they’re here, no matter what it is, you get credit for that sale. Now, obviously, when you’re making your blog and you’re selling items, you’re doing reviews, you want to put items in there that actually cost something as well. But in this scenario, it’s a free book. But if they buy anything else, we also make money. So I copied the link.

Now, I want to go back and test my affiliate link. You paste that link in, and then you check the link. Notice it says that it’s a valid link. So I can come over to her page. I’ve already got that highlighted.


Three Effective Methods for Adding Affiliate Links to Your Website

I’ll do it again. There’s the highlight. I can choose this to make it a link. Paste my link in there. Hit enter.

I can update it. Now, if I go back to her site, I’ll make a new tab to do that. And I go to her blog. And it was this one. And I scroll down.

That’s the text that we made a link to. And there’s our free book. And if somebody buys this and they buy anything else, we also get credit. Affiliate method number three is adding an affiliate link to a WordPress page. The website we just built was an Elementor site, but not everybody’s going to be using Elementor all the time.

So I want to show you how to add it to a WordPress page as well. So let’s open up a new tab, and we’re going to go into WebYoda’s admin. We’ll go to pages, and the one we’re going to work on is called WP Rocket. This is the page I want to edit. I’ll click on that page.

Now, what I want to do is I want to set the paid button to point to how I’m going to get paid for this particular product.


Adding an Affiliate Link to Generate Income on the Website

Now, just for a frame of reference, let’s look at what this page looks like on the website. We’ll go into the WebYoda Foundation, and these guys are WP Rocket. And right now, this doesn’t go anywhere. I need to add a link that’s going to allow us to make money if somebody clicks on this link.

So let’s come back here, and I can click on that. And so what we need is our URL that goes there. So let’s go back to our affiliates page, and ShareASale is who I get the WP Rocket affiliate from. So if you wanted to sign up, you go to that link. I want to log in, so I’ll go ahead and choose sign in.

And now, if I go back, notice I have three additional links. Now, obviously, there’s a lot you can do with affiliate resources, but these are the ones I regularly use. That’s why I have these.I can add a tracking ID. Let’s click on that so you can see what that is.

This is what a tracking ID looks like. The dash 20 is your country. So in this case, I’m in the United States, so it’s 20.


Utilizing Tracking IDs to Optimize Sales and Traffic Source Attribution

So whatever country in that might be different. And then you can make as many as you want.

Now, the tracking IDs allow you to know where your traffic comes from. And so for this particular example, this is a Bethany website. So I’ll click on hers. It brings it up here. I can highlight it, and copy the clipboard because I want to use her tracking tag for sales that have stuff to do with her website.

That way, I know where the sale came from. So now that I have our tracking tag, I’m going to search for “how to start a blog today.” So let’s go back, and I’m going to choose “get product links.” “How to start a blog today.” And there’s the product she wants to promote.

We’ll choose that. Now, when you look at the URL, all of them will have some little code in here that starts with a “B.” And what I do is I go to the end of that, and I delete everything to the right. And then you put a question mark, tag equals, and you paste in your tag.


How to Earn Credit and Make Money with Amazon Affiliate Links

That’s the syntax or the correct method for telling the browser that you get credit for this link.

So what I did is I highlighted this, I’ll copy that whole link to a clipboard, and now I hit enter. It comes up with this book, and we’re going to add this to Bethany’s website. Now, immediately, you’re going, “But Yoda, this is a free book. What’s the point? Why is she going to do this?

” I will tell you, one of the things you don’t know about Amazon is that if somebody comes to their page, even though they’re getting a free book if they buy anything else while they’re here, no matter what it is, you get credit for that sale. Now, obviously, when you’re making your blog and you’re selling items, you’re doing reviews, you want to put items in there that actually cost something as well. But in this scenario, it’s a free book. But if they buy anything else, we also make money. So I copied the link.

Now, I want to go back and test my affiliate link. You paste that link in, and then you check the link.


Mastering Affiliate Marketing: Adding Links to WordPress Pages for Increased Revenue

Notice it says that it’s a valid link. So I can come over to her page. I’ve already got that highlighted.

I’ll do it again. There’s the highlight. I can choose this to make it a link. Paste my link in there. Hit enter.

I can update it. Now, if I go back to her site, I’ll make a new tab to do that. And I go to her blog. And it was this one. And I scroll down.

That’s the text that we made a link to. And there’s our free book. And if somebody buys this and they buy anything else, we also get credit. Affiliate method number three is adding an affiliate link to a WordPress page. The website we just built was an Elementor site, but not everybody’s going to be using Elementor all the time.

So I want to show you how to add it to a WordPress page as well. So let’s open up a new tab, and we’re going to go into WebYoda’s admin. We’ll go to pages, and the one we’re going to work on is called WP Rocket. This is the page I want to edit. I’ll click on that page.


Adding an Affiliate Link to the Paid Button for WP Rocket on the WebYoda Foundation Website

Now, what I want to do is I want to set the paid button to point to how I’m going to get paid for this particular product. Now, just for a frame of reference, let’s look at what this page looks like on the website. We’ll go into the WebYoda Foundation, and these guys are WP Rocket. And right now, this doesn’t go anywhere. I need to add a link that’s going to allow us to make money if somebody clicks on this link.

So let’s come back here, and I can click on that. And so what we need is our URL that goes there. So let’s go back to our affiliates page, and ShareASale is who I get the WP Rocket affiliate from. So if you wanted to sign up, you go to that link. I want to log in, so I’ll go ahead and choose sign in.

And now, if I go back, notice I have three additional links. Now, obviously, there’s a lot you can do with affiliate resources, but these are the ones I regularly use. That’s why I have these. I can add a tracking ID. Let’s click on that so you can see what that is.


Understanding Tracking IDs and their Importance in Identifying Traffic Sources

This is what a tracking ID looks like. The dash 20 is your country. So in this case, I’m in the United States, so it’s 20. So whatever country in that might be different. And then you can make as many as you want.

Now, the tracking IDs allow you to know where your traffic comes from. And so for this particular example, this

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